Funny Love Quotes

Sentiments and feeling play a rather significant role in your lives, so no matter whether you are at work or at play take precious moments off to share funny love quotes with your beloved. Send your partner or special friend SMS through the mobile to let him/her know how you feel about them.

Funny Love Quotes

Funny Love Quotes

Funny Love Quotes

Funny Love Quotes

Funny Love Quotes

Funny Love Quotes

Funny Love Quotes

You can search on the net to find Funny Love Quotes. Visit our website to find some good Funny Love Quotes.

First Love

Love may come many a times in our lives, but the ecstasy and exuberance of first love is the most delicate and memorable among all. First love is perhaps the most intimate feeling that human being share because the time is not ripen yet to see the light of the rough hard core business minded artificial and ruthless world. So the tender soul adjust the softness of the this emotion, which occurs in your heart during adolescence.

First Love

First Love

First Love

First Love

First Love

First Love

First Love

First Love

A guy awaits for a girl at the gate of the school, from where she gets out everyday and goes back to her home. The lad follows the maiden and ultimately his eyes are in the quest for her face all day long. His mind always paints pink dreams of her rosy cheeks, he hears the violin strings with the way she talks and the fragrance of her hair keeps pampering his nose. These stories never stop to get repeated. Love may come like the breeze as well as like the storm but when it comes at last, it is an absolutely wonderful emotion and the young minds keep drowned in this. Desires are gradually poking one's temperament and often it seems impossible to ignore them.

"The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end."... says Benjamin Disraeli. This ignorant, naive, childlike mind plays with these naughty and gay emotions of adolescence when Cupid's arrow strike somebody for the first time at even the 'first sight of the beloved', which we call love at first sight. Theoretically first love can happen in any age or not happen at all. But most people had fallen in love for the first time when they were teenagers. That exciting new experience most of us remember very well during all our life. For an adult his/her own high school problems and the problems of their children seem very funny, silly and simple especially compared with all the difficulties of adult life. Somehow we forget how tragic and full of drama life and relationships were than in our adolescence.

"First love is a little foolish and a lot of curiosity."...says George Bernard Shaw. Actually the adolescent mind is full of curiosity and it finds mystery in almost every event of the world. Therefore when the emotion of love, attraction of mental and physical desires occur for the first time the curiosity and rebelliousness reaches to its height and often attempts something really radical. It can be very happily end into a long term relationship as well as it may result in painful break ups.

People say first love is one of the most uniquely unforgettable things. One may forget everything but not his or her first love. This is not a utopian notion but those who have experienced this once in lifetime, have considered this as the fact. They may left their lovers a long time ago... after that, when they are peacefully settled and living with their families... they still cherish the sovereign and purest of the memories of their first love. When for the first time the break ups happen to anyone, it pains a lot, because the joy and ecstasy one enjoys from the first experience ever of falling in love is like fresh flowers, the perfume is strong and exhibit a extraordinarily long lasting effect.

I Love You

Saying I love you is not supposed to be dull and lifeless. Love is itself is overwhelming and downright amazing, that's why when in love, we always come up with creative ways to say I love you to make our loved one feel special and happy. There are about a million unique ways you can say I love you to keep you both inspired and invigorated as a couple. 

I Love You

I Love You

I Love You

I Love You

I Love You

I Love You

I Love You

If you want to know more on unique ways to say I love you, visit my website and get access to my free information plus my tips and tactics that has helped thousands of couples stay true and in love with each up until this date! Celebrate the love and express it in many ways.

Deep Love

Many women find it the easiest thing in the world to show their boyfriends how much they love him. However, there are times when you can be a little intimidated and unsure as to how to show your love. Here are some excellent tips that are guaranteed to make him aware of your deep love for him.

Deep Love

Deep Love

Deep Love

Deep Love

Deep Love

Deep Love

Deep Love

Deep Love

Don't look at other men 

It is of utmost importance that your boyfriend knows that your heart belongs to him alone. The first time he notices that you ogle other guys or flirt with another guy, he will be convinced of your infidelity and will be put off. Your faithfulness is a true sign of your feelings and love for him and he will be on the look out!

Let him know he's special in different ways 

Don't treat him like you treat all your friends. He will never know that you love him if you give him the same attention you give others. He will only be aware of your love when you go out of your way to make him feel special. Do little things like sending him messages, cards, bake a cake a or even buy him a little romantic gift that will assure him of your love for him.

Call him up or send him loving messages 

It doesn't pay to be too silent or secretive about your feelings! Don't keep him guessing too long as to whether you love him or not. He might lose interest in you. Call him up and sound loving and caring. Send him cute messages that confirm your affections and he will be on top of the world.

Put him first in your life 

The moment he realizes that you consider him the most important person in your life he will be sure of your love. Don't ignore him at any time and drop your friends for him if the situation demands it. This will confirm your strong interest in him and he will be happy to know that he means so much to you.

Never lie to him 

Too many relationships die a sudden death because of a web of deceit and lies! As long as you are truthful and honest with him, he will learn to trust, respect and admire you as a person. If you make up your mind never to lie to him, he will get to have faith in you and will not doubt your word when you tell him that you love him.

Don't expect too much from him 

A guy generally hates to be under any kind of stress or tension. If you ensure that your relationship is free of all stress - he will get to love you as you love him. The fact that you don't expect too much from him shows him that you love him just the way he is and he will love you back!

Lend him a sympathetic ear 

Guys are afraid that girls will get into the habit of talking too much and refuse to let him have his say! The biggest mistake you can make is become too selfish and hard hearted. It pays to keep silent at times and lend him a sympathetic and caring ear. This will encourage him to open up to you and prove to him that you really care for him.

Sweet Love Poems

The subject of writing is varied from politic to romantic, but most people write romantic sweet love poems more than other topics, usually in short sentences. I myself prefer to write them than to write the longer version. They are easier to be understood, also take less time to make than the longer one.

Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Love Poems

Sweet Love Poems

Here are 3 simple steps to make short sweet love poems:

Steps #1 Know Your Mood

To make the professional-looking short sweet love poems, the first thing you have to do is to know your mood. Good mood is a state when you feel confident to do something. In this condition, you can compose a good quality poem. But what can you do if you find yourself in a bad mood? Well, since most people find that they can not make any satisfying poem in this situation, I believe that the similar result would happen if you force yourself to do it. The best solution is to wait until you get your good mood back.

Step #2 Use a Poem Template

Poem template is a helpful tool to quickly compose poems. I am developing this method to help many people to make their own poems. In this method, you are provided with incomplete sentences like this:


Your task is to complete the sentences to make poems using your own words. Take a look at this example:

Remembering your sight, 
is like having a dream in an endless night. 
I could see through your eyes, 
that love is eternal as the changing of days.

This love poem is made by someone who has no background in composing poems, but he eventually made a fine masterpiece.

Step #3 Be Confident!

Many people find themselves has no confidence to explore their feeling. To compose short sweet love poems, confidence is a prominent thing. I believe that everybody has a personal talent that distinguishes him from others, so be confident in making your own poems because you are special!

Emotional Love

You thought you were the last person they would find if they went looking for an emotional person. You are now confused since you met this person who tapped your feelings and now you are all emotional. Which route should you take when it turns to be an emotional love affair? Everything you do turns out to be contrary to your expectations. Emotional love affairs turn out to be very hurting. It takes long to collect the pieces and move on after the break up. Every issue in an emotional love affair ends up in a mess. Keep your emotions checked since they are the same ones which brought you together. Love emotions can confuse human mind and beats all intellect. Be wise when dealing with your emotions.

Emotional Love

Emotional Love

Emotional Love

Emotional Love

Emotional Love

Emotional Love

Emotional love affairs crash down since intense feelings associated with them impair the level of thinking. A previously fulfilling affair takes a turn and becomes frustrating and saddening. Most emotional love affairs use the tit for tat phenomenon. An eye for an eye makes the whole love affair unhealthy. It looses direction and focuses on revenge. What do you think will happen when i feel so hurt that my partner has failed to call me. I might be dying to hear him talk but i do not care about what, even if it is nonsense but just his voice. I will not call him though it will be hurting. Imagine if he also gets emotional and reacts the same way. The affair will simply be a game of shifting blames and on the way to the rocks. To avoid an emotional love affair would be the best option, try and understand him.

I think i do not care if you love me so much that it makes you cry all the time. The problem comes in when you hurt me by the little things you do and it makes me cry. It is not worth if i hate how much i love you. It will stop being a love affair and turn to a war affair. An emotional love affair pushes each partner to fight with their feelings. The more you fight with yourself and reject your intense feelings the more it hits back at you. You will try and fail miserably most of the times. If you get lucky enough not to reach exhaustion, you will succeed in separating with your partner because logic dictates that such an emotional love affair is harmful to your social life. At the end of it you will have scars in your heart which you might take to the grave. To avoid this, do not encourage an emotional love affair at all costs.

An emotional love affair sabotages communication. When you are too emotional, language tends to hit the wall and expression takes a back seat. Without communication, misunderstanding is unavoidable. Please if you notice your partner is going down that route, talk about it. It is in a word. You will never guess it unless you keep talking. Be slow to anger and an emotional love affair will be news to you.

Love Memorable

Happiness can`t be bought or sold. No one wants to lose any opportunity of being happy as sorrow, depression and stress is there to stretch our nerves. Happy moments are really rare in the life. So that is the ultimate need of the hour that any opportunity of being glad and relax must be exploited by maximum. There are many practices to preserve those precious moments. Some take pictures and make videos for this purpose. Some celebrate the events in gathering. Wealthy people construct buildings to honor their love memorable ones. Some give gifts on the occasions to shoe their affiliations.

Love Memorable

Love Memorable

Love Memorable

Love Memorable

Love Memorable

Love Memorable