Fall In Love

It has been said, "Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever." Albert Einstein, one of the foremost scientists of modern times, once concluded that gravitation cannot be held responsible when people fall in love. Perhaps what he was really trying to get across was the fact that love just happens and cannot be planned or executed. There are no rules to falling in love, it just happens and when it does, few are left sensible enough to ask why, when, what and how.

Fall In Love

Fall In Love

Fall In Love

Fall In Love

Fall In Love

Fall In Love

Now, it is absurd to attempt understanding love, not only because the task is impossible but also because falling in love requires no comprehension. People fall in love all the time - with animals, with inanimate objects, with places, with themselves and of course with each other. Most times people fall in love without even realizing that they are doing so, and when realization does strike, they are already in too deep. For those who believe in the laws or karma i.e. what goes around come around, love becomes something inevitable. As per these laws, people fall in love in a particular lifetime because their actions in earlier lives deemed it so. Everything is determined by the past, the individuals falling in love, the opportune moment, and the time length of the relationship. This may be a hard principle to grasp practically, but as humans, it gives us hope by telling us that what is meant to happen, will happen, and it will only happen when the individual is ready.

In this age of modernization, technology is being used to paint over the landscape of love. Love letters are being replaced by emails and chat rooms have taken the place of secret midnight liaisons. Individuals can look for brides over the Internet and use online community portals to meet their better halves. Some may even go to the extent of getting married online. Falling in love has become a science that functions in the unrestricted world of computers. However, the advent of technology into lovemaking cannot be scoffed at, since many people have met their soul mates on the Net and gone on to live happily ever after. The only risk is that perhaps, the loss of personal contact will make people fall in love a lot slower and possibly make relationships a bit colder.

Sad Love Story

When we think about a sad love story that we know, it always leaves us full of tears and sighing. Sometimes we wish that things could have happened in a better way so that no one should be hurt. But this is how life is going to be and that's how it always is. One problem that most people have is the fact that we do not accept how things go in our lives. Looking at heartbreaking stories as an example, most people end up doing wrong things to themselves all because they did not get what they want. This is obviously wrong. We have to admit that in every story about love, there are always ups and downs just like every situation in life does. If we do not take this reality as a fact, we will always end up getting caught and stuck in situations that we're not supposed to dwell on anymore.

Sad Love Story

Sad Love Story

Sad Love Story

Sad Love Story

Sad Love Story

Sad Love Story

A person who loves happiness in his or her love life is mature, but a person who accepts the possibility of a sad love story to happen in the end more responsible. Always remember that even if you don't end up with the one that you really want, you are always welcome for another try.

Philosophy Love

Philosophy of love is the field of social philosophy and ethics which attempts to explain the nature of love. The philosophical investigation of love includes the tasks of distinguishing between the various kinds of personal love; asking if and how love is/can be justified; asking what the value of love is; and what impact love has on the autonomy of both the lover and the beloved.

Philosophy Love

Philosophy Love

Philosophy Love

Philosophy Love

There are many different theories which attempt to explain what love is, and what function it serves. It would be very difficult to explain love to a hypothetical person who had not himself or herself experienced love or being loved. In fact, to such a person love would appear to be quite strange if not outright irrational behavior. Among the prevailing types of theories that attempt to account for the existence of love there are: psychological theories, the vast majority of which consider love to be very healthy behavior; there are evolutionary theories which hold that love is part of the process of natural selection; there are spiritual theories which may, for instance consider love to be a gift from God; there are also theories that consider love to be an unexplainable mystery, very much like a mystical experience.

True Love Story

Do you ever find yourself thinking, "If only I could find a partner, someone to love me, have my own 'true love story' then I'd feel more fulfilled, whole, and happy."

If you recognize those thoughts, if you identify with them, then I'd like to let you in on a secret, one that will take you toward that true love story of your very own...

True Love Story

True Love Story

True Love Story

True Love Story

True Love Story

True Love Story

The truth is, no-one else can ever make you feel whole. I know, it sucks hearing this but it's true. No matter who you find, they can never make you feel complete. No relationship can make you feel permanently, perfectly fulfilled.

Love Story

These are her (or his) deeply held and sometimes even unconscious beliefs about her/himself. These beliefs, or this STORY will define how you show up in life! That's why it is so important to know your Love Story.

Love Story

Love Story

Love Story

Love Story

Love Story

Love Story

Your Love Story is the set of deeply held beliefs you hold about yourself in relation to love. These stories are usually formed very early in our lives, before we have the ability to understand the meaning we are giving to those experiences. As a result, they are often unconscious and we may not even know we have them! For example, one client, I'll call her Monica, struggles with intense fears of abandonment and will act in ways that push men away in her relationships. Monica was not really consciously aware of what her Love Story was or how it was formed until we worked together to transform her story.

By doing some guided visualization exercises, Monica was able to connect patterns in her relationships with some early life experiences that created her story that "people who I depend on for love always leave". Once she could identify her story, she was able to shift those old beliefs by using the strengths she had as a adult to 'rewrite' this story and come up with a new one. Her new story became, "I can't control what other people do, but I can make good choices to include loving, giving, healthy people in my life". Once she was able to change the old Love Story and create a new, more powerful one, Monica began to show up differently in her life. And guess what? She got different results!

Love Spells

Love is one of the strongest human emotions. For those with unswerving faith in love, it is what makes the world go around. It has power to sway humans to act out unfathomable feats of bravery, perform the highest acts of honor and virtue and also engage in utterly disgusting and distasteful activities.

Love spells are often carried out to control love relationships in one's life and give one a feeling of power. They are certain symbolic acts carried out in a changed condition of consciousness to bring about the desired result.

Love Spells

Love Spells

Love Spells

Love Spells

Love Spells

Love Spells

Love Spells

The need of love in life cannot be understated. For those who lose their love it is the end of the world, and everything seems fair to win it back again. However, one should remember that love is not achieved by compulsion or manipulation.

Using love spells to win over a person is not just unethical, but can have various negative effects on the person who casts the spells. These love spells may live up to their claims, but for a short time only. The negative energies built out of the attempt to bend the natural course of energy affect the caster of the spell. It invalidates the fundamental rules of love that are built on mutual respect, admiration and the need for companionship.

Love spells can be used to discover inner fears, complexes and blockades and used to remove them. Love spells, when used in a positive way, can help to enhance one's self-esteem, in the same way as a facial or a refreshing rejuvenating massage. Symbols, images and objects can be used to commune with and know one's inner self better.

For example, if a person has low self-confidence, love spells can be used to enhance the person's self-esteem so that he can have a better chance in love. Lucky charms and mantras that accompany love spells can provide a psychological boost. Innocuous love spells, like putting red roses in the southwest corner to attract love into one's life, will help to bring a warm and soft ambience. Another example of using love spells in a positive way is spells that help one find the love of one's life based on certain characteristics, or to increase one's personal magnetism.

Love spells are cast by using certain symbols, charms, portions and aphrodisiacs. These differ in different cultures and among different magic traditions. Charms like a photo which has been magically charged, or two locks of hair can be worn or kept under the pillow. Burning candles of human shape, smeared with oils and brought closer during a chanting, is a common Wicca love spell.