Commitment Love

Many of us have heard the saying, "Love is blind." My interpretation of what this means is to be focused on what you are about to become part of in marriage.

Marriage is not for the faint of heart, in fact one must commit themselves to a live of togetherness. Any time a person decides to marry someone, they are communicating to the world, they have found what they have been looking for their entire life.

Commitment Love

Commitment Love

Commitment Love

Commitment Love

Commitment Love

Commitment Love

Can we really say we really know the person we married? Tough question to ask, however its one worth discussing. Rely on your own experience to tell you whether you really know the person you married.

Sometimes the person you married you may feel as though you know them and at other times its like living with a stranger. Why is this so?

Great question and I will answer it for you. Plain and simple, people change and sometimes its subtle and other times its dramatic. Whether you are willing to accept the change in its maturity is the issue.

Love plays a pivotal role and marriage or at least it should. If you are talking with you spouse and you ask them if they love you and they say, "You have no idea how I feel about you," it may be time for further discussion.

Making a full and complete commitment to marriage is important because you do not want to live with someone you hate. Love transcends misunderstandings, miscommunication and shortcomings we all have in life. Unconditional love means we are willing to invest a bit more of our personal selves while we interpret and understand things about our spouses we do not agree with.

Marriage takes commitment, love and affection and its up to us to work with what we have personally and as part of a union of marriage. Affection plays a key role in marriage, in that its a bonus in a marriage because you can be friends with your spouse and support them, even if you do not agree with their decisions on matters affecting you and or your children.

In a nutshell, enter into marriage with your eyes wide open. Work on becoming the best spouse you can be and continue to create good experiences for you and your family. Commitment, love and affection will provide invaluable benefits to your marriage and its up to you to make your marriage succeed.

Forever Love

Everyone experience to fall in and out of love 
Sharing everything and giving all that they have got 
I thought from what I have in the darkness of my past 
I'll never learn to love 'till you came as one of the cast

Everything in my past became just plain and ordinary 
As you came I discover that in life no need to be wary 
You became the apple of my eyes and give a wonderful view 
That makes me dream someday its just between me and you

Your stare and sweet smile brings shiver inside me 
And whenever you come near me I just felt so uneasy 
I hope one day u will hug me tight and kiss me 
But i know that this things I just imagine should not be

Forever Love

Forever Love

Forever Love

Forever Love

Forever Love

Forever Love

As the sun and moon is in the sky and sharing 
When the earth in its orbit is just turning 
I find my days running and realize that I'm loving 
And dreaming someday that you and me will together be living

Hours is running and the days are fast dropping 
And you enchant me things bout you that I'm learning 
But all the good things i just imagine I know is just a dream 
This makes me feel sad, lonely and as if I want to scream.

I know I'm loving a human that is not really meant for me 
But what can I do if I want things happen as it should be 
And this time I realize that things not happening in order 
And I should be aware because it will someday make me shatter

The day that terrifies me finally came and I don't know what to do 
What I want is not to let you go and my warm hug will keep you 
As days passed by my fragile heart became brittle 
And all this things makes me weak and kills me little by little

I want to hate you for the pain that you brought 
But I realize no one to blame 'coz it's all my fault 
And even you bring tears and sadness in this eyes of mine 
I know someday everything will just be fine

And to my surprise the day that I'm waiting come in 
I just woke up one day that you're in front of me standing 
Forgiving and forgetting is the only thing I should be giving 
And we will start anew as if the things gone by is nothing

What we have is a long journey and we walk thousand miles away 
Thank God we don't grew tired and still decided to stay 
Just remember that anytime of the day should be cherish together 
And please honey promise me we will do anything to make it last forever

And I swear to you my love to give my heart and affection 
You'll be the only person to yield this so much attention 
Despite of it all and even the situation gets harder 
My love for you will still keep in growing fonder and promise it will be FOREVER.

Deep Love Quotes

There are some things in life that touches deep inside of the heart and remain as beautiful memory forever - the smile of children, first time we see our child speak, when our parents hug us lovingly and ecstatically, when our spouse hold us tightly and when we read inspirational meaningful Love Quotes. Yes, there are some quotes that can touch deep inside of your heart. In this article, I'm going to share some such deep meaningful love quotes.

Deep Love Quotes

Deep Love Quotes

Deep Love Quotes

Deep Love Quotes

Deep Love Quotes

1- If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.

The quote cites the importance of letting go. This quote implies the fact that, Instead of being possessive and controlling a relationship, it is better to let go. It is, indeed, painful to let go but not as much painful as being in a relationship with no trust and intimacy. But if your love is true, he/she will definitely come back to you. But if it doesn't, means there was no love between you.

2- Love is just a word till someone you meet gives it a meaning.

No-one can explain you what is love. No one can make you comprehend how it feels like to be in love. It's only when you meet you special someone and fall in love, you got to know the true meaning of love.

3- True Love is all about trusting in each other.

Trust is the base of love. Love without trust won't last longer. It will shatter soon enough. It is trust that keeps the relationship going on. It creates intimacy which, in turn, creates understanding and understanding creates love.

Love Blind

You may have heard the expression that love is blind, and while it hold some good merit to it that is not always the case when we first meet someone.

When we first meet someone we normally size them up as we would with anything we are investing in for the long-term future. We see what they can offer us in terms of happiness, companionship, and even financial stability. We base our attraction on the finding of our research and decide whether they are worth pursuing more or whether we should avoid the person and move on. And they are doing the same thing. I know it sounds harsh but it's the truth.

Love Blind

Love Blind

Love Blind

Love Blind

Love Blind

Most of us spend our first impression and first few dates trying to convince our potential love interest that they will be getting a good deal if they choose us. We are on our best behavior. We are wearing our most flattering clothes. We are trying to say all the right things and do all the right things to ensure this person see's us as a good candidate for their life.

Now if love was really blind then we wouldn't have to put on our best behavior in the start. We would instead let it all hang out for the other person to see. We would do all of our disgusting habits in front of them and we would act as we do when we are sitting at home on a Monday night. But we don't do that until later in the relationship. This is when love really becomes blind.

Later in the relationship, after we have hooked our love interest firmly into our lives, we stat to let our true colors shine through. All of our annoying habits and traits that only our mother could love start to come out. This is when our partner see's through many of our 'faults' and instead views us for who we really are inside.

They look past the things that normally turn off a new love interest and instead focus on the things that are important to them in the relationship like security, companionship, and being loved.

Of course there is an exception to this rule. Sometimes the person loses their best behavior only to reveal a nasty and ugly behavior beneath it. This could take the form of abuse, cheating, or addiction. This is when many people struggle with their relationship and whether to stay in it or not.

In fact most people do not let their love blind them from the truth of what their partner is doing to themselves and their relationship. Instead they either start fighting with their partner and live in unhappiness or leave their partner because love is not enough.

Love Smile

Seven reasons to smile:

1. God has a plan for everything, never doubt it - everything is at the hand of our Lord, he will give what we need. Do you believe that God has a purpose why we exist in this world. He will surely protect us and give us wisdom and armor to fulfill that purpose.

2. Trust in his timing - God is the master of time, and his timing is always perfect. So do not worry whatever we ask for as along as it is for our own good, he will surely provide at the right time.

3. Rely on his promises - Our God's promises is the same before, today and til forever. If we read the bible all the promises He had with our ancestors he did fulfill.

4. Wait for his answers - There are 3 ways how God answer our prayer, First, He says No- because it's not what you need and providing it will do you no good. Second, He answers Yes,because it is what you need and your request is will do best for you. Lastly, He says WAIT, to test our faith and He has prepared much better and wonderful gift for you!

Love Smile

Love Smile

Love Smile

Love Smile

Love Smile

Love Smile

5. Believe in his miracles - All the impossible are so easy and POSSIBLE with our competent and able God.

6. Rejoice in His Goodness - All good things are provided by our God, the very air we breath comes from God, the many wonderful places and many dependable friends are all His gifts for us!

7. Relax in His Presence - With All Knowing God, we can relax, He knows what's best for us.

Life is full of challenges and it really up to us how we handle it, and the best way is to keep our faith, continue working on pursuing your desires in life. It will end up what we wanted it to be. Believe in God and believe yourself.

First Love Quotes

In a sense, talking about the subject of love is like trying to drive nails into water. There's love and love, and then there's love. It's so hard to pin down exact definitions when it comes to this feeling. There's your first love, the love of your life, and what some lucky people discover to be "real one" or "true one."

It's amazing how many people say of their first relation: "At the time I really thought I was in love, but I didn't know what real love was back then."

First Love Quotes

First Love Quotes

First Love Quotes

First Love Quotes

First Love Quotes

First Love Quotes

But it was still "love" when you were "in it" back then, wasn't it? Maybe yes, maybe no.

A first emotion can be so powerful, yet so hazy. The vast majority of us experience our first emotion when we are young, usually teenagers, a time when just about everything else about the world is confusing too. Love can be mysterious and elusive even for the oldest and wisest among us, so imagine what a challenge it is to youthful folks.

Without digging our hard scientific statistics, it is probably safe to say that the vast majority of everyone's first crush will not be the love that will last the rest of their lives. Most first loves are passionate, euphoric, exciting and feature new feelings that are equal parts agony and bliss. But first loves for teens tend to end because being young is all about going through constant psychological change - and also situational changes, as in moving away for college or joining the army - cutting a first love short by the sheer reality of separation.

Like so many other aspects of life, a first lust is a like the training ground for that later time when we are more mature, more stable, understand more, and are ready for a "real" lasting love relationship.

Unfortunately, a certain percentage of people "get stuck" on their first amour, and when it ends, it haunts them for the rest of the lives. It taints all of their future relationships. People who can't get over their first love are in for a long life of alienation or loneliness, unless they somehow manage to get back together with their first love and live happily ever after. But you can't give your heart fully to someone new if it still belongs to someone else. It's a tough situation.

Many people go through their entire lives never finding lasting love. Some men and women grow old, having never married or dedicated themselves to that "one special person." Yet, even these people who die alone and single may have had a amour at one time, and they almost certainly had a first love. But if they had true love at one time, why didn't it last? Isn't true love supposed to be "eternal?" Perhaps "true love" is eternal and other kinds of love, such as "first loves" are not - and therefore not "true love."

There is a danger in getting bogged down in semantic arguments, and fine philosophical points. Amour it whatever at the time you are in it. Love simply does not have a solid definition. As the great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said:"There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness."

Love Quotes

Love's beauty and specialty lies in experiencing it. Only a person in love can understand the feelings of another person enjoying the bliss of love, and sometimes its agonies too. Even though love is not an easy term to define, the fact that it is a spontaneous feeling or emotion results in the birth of love quotes.

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

Love Quotes

There are many phases in love, like infatuation, companionate love, consummate love, empty love, romantic love, etc. Love quotes can be written in any language but their crux is always love.

Who but those who are in love are creators of love quotes? Sometimes, these quotes run into several paragraphs, like a poem. Such is the thumping influence of love that it brings a person's creativity and imagination to the front.

French Love Quotes

So are you looking for French love quotes? You know how French is the language of romance. So what can be more romantic than French quotes to express your love to your boyfriend or girlfriend? You may have already told him/her that you love them in English many times. So why not say it in French using cute and sweet love quotations to make it more exciting and fun? Your partner will sure appreciate your creativity.

French Love Quotes

French Love Quotes

French Love Quotes

French Love Quotes

French Love Quotes

Check out these French Love Quotes to find a free collection of sweet love quotes you can enjoy now!

Love Backgrounds

The background of your computer can say a lot about you. You can change the wallpaper to fit in with your mood or lifestyle. Love wallpapers are one of the most popular types of background that many people will go for. The term love wallpapers for desktops can be a whole variety of different pictures and slogans all around the topic of love. Love hearts can make any computer background look funky and exciting, full of colour making whoever will see it smile. Love backgrounds do not necessarily need to be used by people who feel the need to express their love, as love hearts and cute cartoon characters have a likable factor anyway.
Love Backgrounds

Love Backgrounds

Love Backgrounds

Love Backgrounds

Love Backgrounds

Love Backgrounds

Love backgrounds can also contain loving words that you may feel towards somebody. You can switch on your computer and remember your loved one every time you see the quote. The quotes can be that of a famous film or a beautiful poem, or simply a few words that have lots of meaning to you. Having a wallpaper on your PC relating to love will make you feel happy and brighten your spirits whatever the weather. Especially a romantic setting that could well be similar to a place you love, as a love wallpapers on your desktop will fill you with joy and take you back to that moment of happiness, allowing the lovely memory to live on.

Having love backgrounds will definitely bring the romantic feel to your desktop and there is no better time to have a lovey dovey wallpaper than on Valentine's Day, the most romantic time of year. Whether it is to be a single rose, an array of hearts or a cute little teddy bear, whatever design you pick it is bound to make your heart throb. The possibility is endless when it comes to images of love; you have the cupid with its bow and arrow, the perfect love heart surrounded by kisses and the words 'I love you'. No matter what, love wallpapers are a great way to let people know how you feel and how happy you are. So spread the love today and get yourself your very own love backgrounds for your computer and choose a design that suits you. With so many to choose from you can be sure you see something that grabs your eye and maybe somebody else's!